суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

david tao concert

No school today because they were having teacher conferences or something.
so i had the weekend off.plus i donapos;t have much homework. Just some reading that i plan on putting off till sunday (:

yesterday i went to the library after school looking for Breaking Dawn. Sadly all copies were checked out. But i did end up borrowing Anna Karenina..by Tolstoy. I might not even read all 800+ pages of it buti felt intellectual just borrowing. I had heard about that book before. Itapos;s like a translation of this scandalous russian novel. To me the mark of a good book if when they mention it in another book. For example wuthering heights was mentioned in the eclipse. Stephanie meyers was trying to draw a parallel between catherine and heathcliff and edward and bella.

that reminds me, the girl i had pictured as bella looked like this actress i knew. And as it turns out that same actress i had thought of is the girl playing bella in the movie thatapos;s coming out soon. I donapos;t know whether itapos;s pure coincidence or what, or maybe i must have seen the movie posters and remembered the girlapos;s face subconsciously before i got into the book or something but either way i must have skills in casting actresses into roles because that the movie people actually cast the same actress i was thinking of. How cool. But what disappointing about the actors cast is that i agree with everyone else in that the guy playing edward isnapos;t as goodlooking as the edward i pictured. I guess stephanie meyers just described him to well so much so that everyoneapos;s bound to be disappointed when they canapos;t find an actor to play the part haha.

anyway i got the book for cheaper than elsewhere. I could have waiter for one of my friends to finish reading her copy but there was a line of people waiting to borrow it before me. And considering itapos;s like a 800 page good book i donapos;t think i can wait that long. Haha. And i figure itapos;s going to be the best of the four books so i might as well own this one. The first one was the best though out of the first three that is. The last book is always the best anyway. The last book of a series that is. Because the first few books are always the ones setting up the storyline. Then the middle portion is where the troubles are introduced and it all seems like the story is heading for an unhappy ending like maybe because they love couple is fighting or something more dramatic. Then the ending is always the best because you get to know what happens, you know itapos;s happy, the couple gets married or something.the end. The good books are the ones where the whole book is good. Especially the middle part. The beginning and end may suck but if the you remember the bulk of the book as great it can makes up for everything i think.

tomorrow is my dadapos;s birthday. Weapos;re having a surprise birthday party for him. I donapos;t think he knows yet. He might be able to guess though. But anyway iapos;m going to watch eagle eye with him to get him out of the house. Itapos;s his "birthday present" haha. See if he figures that out.

i just finished my two college essays for UNC but one of them is about 150 words too long and another is about 110 words too long. How do you cut down on an already perfect essay?

sleep beckons.

dance history timeline, david tao concert, david tao concert 2005.

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