вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Oggi alle 16.00 si apriranno le prevendite dei biglietti per le 5 date del tour italiano degli Oasis.
E io, alle 16.01 sar� davanti le porte di Drin Service coi 51.75 euri in mano, pronta per afferrare quel biglietto *-*
Mi sento come i bambini che non vedono lapos;ora di trovare il biglietto dapos;oro per la fabbrica di cioccolato XD
Ci andr� con Luca, Valerio e forse Gianluca e Alessio. Comunque al concerto ci sar� anche un mio ex compagno di classe, Jack, col fratello e il cugino e forse una mia compagna di classe e forse due del 5 E che conosco. Uhauahuha gita scolastica XD
(spero solo che gli Oasis non facciano come quando vennero allapos;Heineken Jamminapos; Festival, che dopo 3 canzoni si sono rotti e hanno abbandonato il palco, cos� la gente ha tirato le bottiglie in faccia ai componenti��_�)
Luca � nel pallone perch� "deve assolutamente impararsi le canzoni".
Io spero tanto che facciano anche Wonderwall, Donapos;t look back in anger�o qualche cover improvvisata dei Beatles *_*
Ancora meglio, ad aprire il concerto forse ci saranno i Kasabian *.*
Ah, se qualcuno stesse pensando che sono matta la risposta � : s� lo sono XD
Telefonai a mia mamma dalla Francia per dirle di comprare le prevendite del concerto dei Good Charlotte, quel lontano 10 giugno 07 (L)

Oggi avevo lapos;interrogazione programmata di latino. Mi ero studiata 13 carmi di Catullo ( che equivalgono quindi a 13 versioni), pi� la vita e qualche figura retorica ma hanno occupato la scuola �-�
Ci hanno fatto restare di fuori, e si � parlato -.-
Boh ma perch� si affannano tanto se il nostro problema ora � lapos;Universit� Che poi, non � mica sbagliato mandare a casa prof incapaci �_�
E pap� mi ha spiegato che il Ministero ha offerto posti nella pubblica amministrazione ma loro non li hanno accettati per difendere i loro diritti. Beh, io avrei accettato.
Se fossi stata una professoressa non ci avrei pensato due volte. Avrei sempre avuto uno stipendio quanto meno.
E non sono 800 studenti che manifestano a cambiare le cose, perch� sopra di noi capos;� sempre il governo che decide. Il singolo non pu� fare nulla e bloccare una citt� nemmeno.
Un ex rappresentante dapos;istituto ha urlato al megafono che lapos;istruzione non si pu� comprare, ma sinceramente preferirei pagare mettiamo 5000 euro per un corso universitario, poi laurearmi e far vedere chi sono piuttosto che vedere lapos;Italia popolata da bestie, o da scemette che morirebbero pur di fare un provino da Veline o per il Grande Fratello.
( lo so, entra in gioco il discorso dei soldi e delle possibilit� delle famiglie, ma � un altro conto).
A me sembra giusto promuovere chi vale veramente, e lasciamo perdere il discorso che la Gelmini � andata al Sud per facilitarsi la carriera.
Che i politici non siano proprio puri lo sanno anche i sassi. Mi importa di me stessa come cittadina e studentessa al momento.
Non so se fila il ragionamento x) sto solo cercando di far capire che alcune cose sono giuste.

Ho la voce che va e viene. Questo perch� metallari da strapazzo mi hanno costretta a stare due ore e mezza fuori al cancello di scuola a non far nulla. A quanto pare la sciarpa non ha fatto molto �-�apos;apos;

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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And the challenge officially begins...

Hereapos;s the deal.� I have a goal.� A goal that I have NO option but to meet and exceed.� A goal that will end on midnight June 30, 2009.

I must weigh less than 300 pounds.

Itapos;s alot of weight to lose.� Especially since I currently weigh (in the neighborhood of) 375#.

I also have to be able to run 2 miles in 8 minutes.� Which will be acheivable as long as I lose the weight.� The rest of the physical trials I can easily meet or beat as long as I can make the 2 miles.

I would like everyone to help me on this journey.� If you see me, keep it in the front of my mind at all times.� I may seem like Iapos;m obsessing, but I have to.� This means to much to me.

If you want to know whatapos;s going on, I can tell you, Iapos;d just rather do it via personal email.� shirokuma@aristotle.net

- Jim

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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So Iapos;ve been busy for the day and a half, but I can finally breathe again. I�went and worked Mickeyapos;s Halloween Treat last night, which might I say, WAS HORRIBLE I kid you not. My cuticles are ripped to shreds from picking up all that damn candy. There was this dude dressed up as Jack (in the box) though, and I was like "omg itapos;s Jack" and I gave him like two handfuls of candy, and he goes "someone get this girl some cheeseburgers" I was like yessssssss.� Lol.
Then, I totally got sweet tooth because Iapos;m like standing above this damn cart thatapos;s filled with freaking chocolate.
Plain MMapos;s
Peanut MMapos;s
The list goes on And I freaking at like five pieces of chocolate Then I shared a bag of popcorn with three other people, along with a pack of starbursts that was also shared. And Iapos;m not even going to get into the amounts of soda Iapos;ve been drinking the past 36 hours. And I swear, I am not drinking a 32 oz cup of 1/2 diet coke 1/2 cherry coke as Iapos;m typing this. At least today was a little bit better. This is what I�ate:
Meal one: bagel w/ cream cheese diet coke.
Meal two: 3/4 pack of wheat thins (veggie kind) and REGULAR rootbeer (i know)
Meal three: grilled chicken Caesar Wrap (very light dressing, wheat tortilla, grilled chicken, romaine lettuce, and parmesan cheese) w/ diet coke.
Meal four: (Iapos;m eating it now) lettuce mixture (romaine, iceberg, cabbage) and sliced steak w/ 1/2 dc 1/2 cc.
I�should have packed food for today, but I didnapos;t. UGH. I�promise promise PROMISE that I�will be on track tomorrow, and NO SODA
I slept 7 hours last night, so it wasnapos;t as bad as I thought it would be. And tomorrow, I donapos;t start until 5:30PM, so I can catch up on some sleep [:
And Iapos;m going to workout.
Iapos;m trying to eat at least once more today.
Something small of course.

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No school today because they were having teacher conferences or something.
so i had the weekend off.plus i donapos;t have much homework. Just some reading that i plan on putting off till sunday (:

yesterday i went to the library after school looking for Breaking Dawn. Sadly all copies were checked out. But i did end up borrowing Anna Karenina..by Tolstoy. I might not even read all 800+ pages of it buti felt intellectual just borrowing. I had heard about that book before. Itapos;s like a translation of this scandalous russian novel. To me the mark of a good book if when they mention it in another book. For example wuthering heights was mentioned in the eclipse. Stephanie meyers was trying to draw a parallel between catherine and heathcliff and edward and bella.

that reminds me, the girl i had pictured as bella looked like this actress i knew. And as it turns out that same actress i had thought of is the girl playing bella in the movie thatapos;s coming out soon. I donapos;t know whether itapos;s pure coincidence or what, or maybe i must have seen the movie posters and remembered the girlapos;s face subconsciously before i got into the book or something but either way i must have skills in casting actresses into roles because that the movie people actually cast the same actress i was thinking of. How cool. But what disappointing about the actors cast is that i agree with everyone else in that the guy playing edward isnapos;t as goodlooking as the edward i pictured. I guess stephanie meyers just described him to well so much so that everyoneapos;s bound to be disappointed when they canapos;t find an actor to play the part haha.

anyway i got the book for cheaper than elsewhere. I could have waiter for one of my friends to finish reading her copy but there was a line of people waiting to borrow it before me. And considering itapos;s like a 800 page good book i donapos;t think i can wait that long. Haha. And i figure itapos;s going to be the best of the four books so i might as well own this one. The first one was the best though out of the first three that is. The last book is always the best anyway. The last book of a series that is. Because the first few books are always the ones setting up the storyline. Then the middle portion is where the troubles are introduced and it all seems like the story is heading for an unhappy ending like maybe because they love couple is fighting or something more dramatic. Then the ending is always the best because you get to know what happens, you know itapos;s happy, the couple gets married or something.the end. The good books are the ones where the whole book is good. Especially the middle part. The beginning and end may suck but if the you remember the bulk of the book as great it can makes up for everything i think.

tomorrow is my dadapos;s birthday. Weapos;re having a surprise birthday party for him. I donapos;t think he knows yet. He might be able to guess though. But anyway iapos;m going to watch eagle eye with him to get him out of the house. Itapos;s his "birthday present" haha. See if he figures that out.

i just finished my two college essays for UNC but one of them is about 150 words too long and another is about 110 words too long. How do you cut down on an already perfect essay?

sleep beckons.

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Seems like my last entry was quite long ago - heh, got lazy again.

Itapos;s been a long and busy week and today was initially planned for me to move over from Clayton to Hughesdale. However, for some reason the guy that is supposed to move out has delayed his moving so now my moving is being delayed too. Rather bummed, cos Iapos;d kind of planned my things to fall nicely in place with the moving - meaning Iapos;ve got all my laundry done, finished up my last bit of shower gel, tissue paper, pantyliners etcetc.

Now everything is messed up.

And my printer is not printing.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I received these bit of humor from a friend with whom I shared the stage in "Phantom of the Opera". Iapos;m certain he found the jokes hilarious, as heapos;s a Bass. Iapos;ll give him a virtual smack upside the head later LOL Enjoy

Ten tenors and a baritone were clinging precariously to a wildly swinging rope suspended from a crumbling outcropping on Mount Everest. Grasping the rope as tightly as they could, as a group they realized they couldnapos;t all hold on much longer; they decided that one of the party would have to let go. If that didnapos;t happen, the rope would break under their combined weight, and they would all perish. For an agonizing few moments no-one volunteered. Finally the baritone gave a truly touching speech saying he would sacrifice himself to save the lives of the others. The tenors were so moved, they all applauded....

Q: Why are soprano jokes all one-liners?
A: So tenors can understand them.

Q: Did you hear about the female opera singer who had quite a range at the lower end of the scale.
A: She was known as the deep C diva.

Q: How late does the tenor sing?
A: Oh, about half a beat behind the conductor.

Q: How many baritones does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Six--one to change it and five to keep the tenor from hogging the light.

Q: What did the tenor get on his IQ test?
A: Drool.

Q: What do you say to a soprano at the door?
A: It doesnapos;t matter what you say, she still wonapos;t know when to come in.

There were two people walking down the street. One was a musician. The other didnapos;t have any money either.

A man parks his car in a rough part of town with two accordions on the back seat, forgetting to lock the back door. When he returns, there are three accordions.

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�day 1:

i arrived. �nihon. �the city of threat level nothing. �of course i was too scared to unleash the past 1.5 months of rosetta stone knowledge iapos;ve accumulated on the customs officials(they were very official). �but i did happen to snag a limo bus within 4 minutes of clearing customs. �total score. �unfortunately i had to urinate due to the several hundred gulps of liquids that went down my tube from minneapolis to current locale and the ride from the airport to my hotel was nearly 2 hours. �boo, hiss. �i am delirious? �yeah, thatapos;s it. �i have a video camera with me to document my misadventures, but the damn thing wonapos;t let me download anything to my computer. �fear not. �for i have friends that know things about things and they happen to get shit done, so... �you know?

i havenapos;t slept more than 4 hours in nearly 3 weeks. �i finished a book by fyodor dostoyevsky called: the brothers karamazov, and one of the brothers(i donapos;t think this is giving anything away) starts hallucinating that heapos;s having conversations with the devil. �thatapos;s how i feel right now, but thereapos;s no devil. �sleep deprivation can make you loopy-ridonk. �yes, you can quote me on that. �so i arrived in the hotel room. �so fucking cute. �i love everything about this country/city/subcity/area/room/etc... �sony are sneaky bastards and they sent me a bouquet of fruit. �iapos;m eating nothing but rice and fish and fruit out here. �maybe iapos;ll take some pictures as das camera ist kaput.

not much to journal about. �thanks to miss kari gray for setting this up for me(kids these days and their technological skillzzzzzzz). �perhaps the morning will shed more light on the beginning of my new adventures. �or perhaps if iapos;m feeling a little bill murray i may go and wander around the streets in search of hot pink hair and age old apathy. �until then...


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Itapos;s official. Iapos;m not just acting up in a apos;doing the workapos; kind of way, I am now officially acting up too Really nice to get the vote of confidence from my senior managers that Iapos;m capable of the job, especially as Iapos;ve only been in my current role exactly a year to the day. To temper my glee I am now utterly, uttlerly swamped in work, most of which is frighteningly hard. No idea when my poorly boss will be back - could be a couple of weeks or a couple of months as she has a serious back problem. Extra money and personal career aspirations aside, I really hope she gets better soon, as sheapos;s a cracking boss and as sheapos;s a new mum, this couldnapos;t come at a worse time for her. I just wish that her misfortune wasnapos;t linked to my own benefit.
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